Baked potato is relatively simple yet seemingly rare recipe, announced by those who can work, retain their delicious secret for themselves. Those days are long gone, when one of my favorite recipes shellfish potatoes, shows the most delicious recipes out there. There are several ways for potato scallops, including any addition of exotic ingredients like blue cheese for traditional dishes such as bacon. However, there are some important rules that must be followed whenTo bring to the creation of scalloped potatoes that aromatic smell and taste delicious.
The main ingredients are:
- 6 medium potatoes (about 4 cups)
- 2 cups milk
- 2 cups whipped cream
- Sale
- Pepper
- Butter
Some of the extras that are usually included in the baked potatoes, onions (which received a little 'flavor of assertiveness is), and common garden herbs such as parsley and chives on top ofCourt. There are also some extras you can add your favorite flavor. These extras include bacon (about 2 slices or 100g is needed), or different varieties of cheese such as Roquefort.
Simply cut the potatoes begin to cut into very thin slices or rub with a grater then layer of sliced potatoes in a baking dish safe. Next, mix the milk and cream together until a good consistency and pour it over the edge of the potatoes in the pot. Add some 'cheese onthe potatoes and sprinkle with salt and pepper, to do so. Pop the potato gratin in the oven to 350 ° F (175 degrees) until a golden on top. After baking, remove from oven, leave a few minutes, let cool and enjoy.
Well, if you want even more in the flavor of baked potatoes, I defiantly recommend the addition of bacon and onions in the mix. To prepare the bacon and onion potato gratin, you mustFor the first Chop the bacon into small squares (about ½ cm x ½ inch), then cut the onion, cut into strips. The best way these ingredients to the browned potatoes to add, is leading down a layer of potatoes, add the bacon and onion on top, then a second layer of potatoes on it. Mix the milk / cream and top with cheese, salt and pepper, pop in the oven and once it's cooked, you can taste the delicious baked potatoes per daycome.
One of the best baked potatoes is that even if you do not finish it all in one meal, usually even better after a day in the refrigerator (left in a sealed airtight container of course) taste. As if in a refrigerator, while a meat marinade left the same way, all the flavors of the cheese, bacon and onion mixture with the potato and the next meeting, it tastes better than ever, since all ingredients are mixed a singletasty meal.
Related : Leek Onion
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