Saturday, 12 December 2009

Three Natural Home Remedies For melasma, pigmentation and age spots

Dark spots and stains on the skin can be a difficult and unpleasant. Skin pigmentation, spots and melasma are difficult to treat. There is no shortage of fading creams on the market - many of which are at risk and do more harm than good, as with hydroquinone. Others are simply ineffective and a waste of time and money. But there is a possibility that a simple natural home remedies just the answer you're seeking.

When Iobserved the blackout on my forehead, known in my late twenties, not what it was. Was dirty? It would not wash! I did some research and was determined Melasma - as a place of age is a type of hyperpigmentation on the skin.

Stains are usually large freckles darker. Melasma is an area of patchy dark skin, often on the forehead, temples and cheeks. Both age spots and melasma can be treated with the same type of flash solutions.

FromI am the type of girl who knows a good remedy to enjoy at home, I threw myself headlong into research and came upon some simple natural treatments to try to make the dark spots on my face.

Vinegar: vinegar diluted with water, once, and use to clean and wash the face. Air dry to seal in moisture. Or use the vinegar / water mixture in place of an astringent or toner. Vinegar is made chemically stable, and is the whitening and brightening, and the skin smooth and ablebeaming. It is also used for a long time for a softening of the skin. Or other natural cider vinegar are recommended, although some people use distilled white vinegar.

Get onion juice: For onion juice, you can chop an onion, or mixture, then press the juice through cheesecloth. Mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar twice a day apply with a cotton ball and look out for results in the coming weeks. Alternatively, you can cut a piece ofCipolla, dip in vinegar, and pigmentation.

Apply lemon juice: fresh lemon juice has a similar effect on pigmentation as the remedy onion - is acidic and can easily peel the top layer of the skin, causing spots to fade.

Onions, vinegar and lemon juice are excellent home remedies to relieve you of age spots, melasma, pigmentation and discoloration. I found this very effective treatment to lighten several weeks --I did not like was the smell of onions. Although a bit big, I did not want to have your hands stink and for life, so I learned so much more natural remedies to fight for my melasma.

Recommend : health juice

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